QSURE is a licensed Financial Services Provider- FSP 50552 - specializing in providing debit order collection and payment services for the Insurance industry. We are not an Insurer, Broker, UMA or Policy Administration System provider.
The business has more than 30 years of experience in premium handling services and is currently administrating just over R1.5 bill worth of premium per month, serving on average just over 200 intermediaries located in most of the major centers throughout South Africa. We are known in the market for our state-of-the-art premium handling system known as Xcelerate.
The premium collection landscape continues to experience significant regulatory changes. With our years of experience in the industry and a high level of flexibility, QSURE is at the forefront of these changes. In line with the industry trend and regulatory preference, approximately 81% of all collections are already collected directly into the insurer"s bank account via our direct collection platform. The ultimate objective is for direct collections to be the core of our business model.